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Date: Saturday, March 12, 2022
Presenter: Cristina Sanchez-Lopez
ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only – Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application – Part B)
Event ID: 225503043

Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for Multilingual Learners (MLs) Starting with Tier 1

  • Reflect on ways to use the seven factors framework to make existing systems more culturally and linguistically responsive
  • Contrast possible explanations for observable behaviors from both a language learner perspective and special educational perspective
  • Consider how to ensure Tier 1 instruction that supports multilingual and multicultural learners across the curriculum
  • Consider how to develop system-wide, school, grade and classroom level-instruction and interventions that support multilingual and multicultural learners
  • Review promising practices for culturally and linguistically responsive assessments

Target Audience: Teachers, Coaches, Administrators, Grades K-12


Event Description: 

**Participants must attend the two-hour live session (Part A) in order to be eligible to complete the optional reflection/application (Part B) to earn an additional three hours of professional development credits. 

This professional learning experience will include both synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities. Participants can earn up to a total of five hours of professional development credits for their participation in Parts A and B.

Part A: a live 90-minute webinar accompanied by a 30-minute question and answer portion. Participants will receive two hours of professional development credits for their participation in Part A.

Part B (optional): a follow-up to Part A, after attending the live webinar, participants will reflect and apply their learning to their own practice. Participants may earn three hours of additional professional learning credits by completing the reflection/application document and submitting the completion form within two weeks of participating in the live webinar.