Examining Teaching and Learning with Language and Culture Lenses

Are you confused about messaging from articles, blogs, and posts on social media about the best ways to teach? Are you trying to sort through all of the voices and really get to the heart of what’s best for multilingual students? Just as we encourage our students to be critical thinkers and consider multiple perspectives, we as educators must do the same by being mindful of who is sharing messages and why. What agendas are being pushed? By whom? For whom? Are there underlying assumptions that neglect or negate the diversity among our students? Is a monolingual/monocultural perspective being prioritized? Are best practices for multilingual learners taking a backseat to priorities for dominant student groups?

The Illinois Resource Center exists to guide and support educators who serve our linguistically and culturally diverse communities. While our work is often centered on students who have been classified as English learners and other bi/multilingual learners, we recognize that these students do not learn in a vacuum and that to serve them and everyone well, we must consider the larger context and ecology for learning. We also recognize the tremendous variety of languages, cultures, stages of language learning, lived experiences, abilities, interests, facets of identity and intersectionalities present in every classroom.

We envision a world in which every child’s languages and cultures are affirmed, every teacher’s practice is reflective and responsive, and every school’s systems and policies are inclusive and equitable. Toward that vision, we always urge educators and leaders to vigilantly employ “language and culture lenses” when examining pedagogy and to keep a critical eye on trends in teaching and learning.

We want you to know that here at the IRC, we encourage educators and leaders to have open and honest discussions to address these questions. If you are ever in need of a thought partner, either on your own or with your team, we are here for you and are happy to support you in navigating brave conversations. On this page, you will find the IRC’s position on a variety of education issues impacting our communities, along with readings & resources to support your learning journeys and conversations around these issues.