In partnership with the Illinois Principals Association, the IRC is proud to support upcoming Administrator Academies. There is no cost to attend these sessions, which will be held online. Each session is limited to 50 attendees, so please register ASAP!

You will receive the Zoom training link, handouts and detailed instructions in the registration confirmation from If you don’t see the confirmation in your inbox after registering, please check your junk or spam folder.

Five Key Practices for Every Teacher that Works with English Learners

October 30th, 2024 | 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Facilitated by Vanessa Figueroa & Adelicia Brienzo

Learn ways to improve programs and instruction for English Language learners. Research-based key practices at the district, school and classroom levels will be shared. Using templates, checklists, and useful tips, participants will receive information and effective strategies to improve ESL, literacy, and content instruction.

Three Levels of Support for ELL: Classroom, School, District 

November 13th, 2024 | 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Facilitated by Vanessa Figueroa & Adelicia Brienzo

When English learners receive instruction from ESL, bilingual, and general education teachers in different classrooms, it is essential for these teachers to collaborate and coordinate instruction. Using templates, checklists, and chat discussions, participants will learn useful information and strategies about research-based effective instructional strategies for English learners.