by Maggie Essig

As part of becoming a ISTE Certified Educator, I have spent the past few months diving into the ISTE Standards for Students and Educators. Specifically, I have been evaluating and experimenting with where English Learners (ELs), their teachers, and language acquisition fit into this set of technology standards. Today, I will be speaking at the 42nd Annual Illinois Statewide Conference for Teachers Serving Linguistically & Culturally Diverse Students (check out #IRCBilingual18 on Twitter to follow our learning) about how the ISTE Standards for Students can support ELs in all settings.

More commonly known at the Bilingual Conference, this week is a favorite for so many teachers of ELs. As a teacher, I loved being able to come to one day just to be around people who believed in the same things I did. Now that I work for the Illinois Resource Center, I’m lucky to be able to attend all four days! I’m very excited to share my thoughts on ELs and the ISTE Standards with this group.

One document I’m planning on sharing is my EL Lens on the ISTE Standards for Students. To me, the ISTE Standards for students embody so many of the qualities we want out ELs to acquire in school so I wanted to further explore that idea. I created a chart where I reimagine the ISTE Standards with a strong focus on language and culture. This document is still being developed, but I’m excited to debut it here and at #IRCBilingual18!

el lens on iste standards by api-438749627 on Scribd