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Date: Friday, April 30, 2021
Presenter: Olivia Mulcahy
ECPD Credit Hours: 5
Event ID: 215503050

Bilingual Kids Bloom! Cultivating Learning In-between Languages and Cultures 

Participants are invited to explore, brainstorm and plan for supports to help bilingual learners flourish:

  • The languages and cultures of all of our students are not always visible and audible in the learning environment–let’s explore ways to create a more lush multilingual and multicultural ecology in our schools so everyone’s learning is enriched
  • The knowledge and skills that are unique to multilingual learners are not reflected in monolingual standards–let’s consider how to create fertile ground in the curriculum to nurture their bilingual talents and enhance learning within any content area
  • Students’ languages and cultures are deeply connected to their social-emotional learning–let’s embrace practices that honor bilingual ways of knowing and communicating so our bilingual learners can thrive

TARGET AUDIENCE: K-12 educators

NOTE: This virtual workshop will include both a live webinar and a self-paced learning module. The live webinar will last approximately 90 minutes. During the webinar you will receive access to an asynchronous learning module to be completed within two weeks. After the IRC receives your completed module, 2 weeks later you will receive an email with a link to the evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation, you will receive an email with a link to your Evidence of Completion form.