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Date: Thursday, October  20, 2022
Presenter: Olivia Mulcahy
ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours
Event ID: 235503006
Flujo and Flow: Writing the Translanguaging Corriente

“We use the metaphor of the translanguaging corriente to refer to the current or flow of students’ dynamic bilingualism that runs through our classrooms and schools. Bilingual students make use of the translanguaging corriente, either overtly or covertly, to learn content and language in school and to make sense of their complex worlds and identities.” 

With this metaphor from Ibarra-Johnson, Garcia, Seltzer (The Translanguaging Classroom, 2017) in mind, we will focus in on how it applies to writing and:

  • Engage in writing, discussion, and storytelling activities across and beyond named languages that you can bring to your own classroom
  • Examine a variety of translanguaging books and writings and consider how they can serve as mentor texts for bilingual student writers
  • Consider how to listen to and leverage the translanguaging corriente in your classroom to boost students’ joy and skill in writing across content areas

TARGET AUDIENCE: K-12 educators