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Please register on STARNET website: starnetregionii.org.

Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Presenter: Cristina Sanchez-Lopez
ECPD Credit Hours: 5

Instructional Strategies for Young Multilingual Learners: Applying research and resources 

In this follow up to the Starnet webinar: Bilingualism in the Early Years, participants will have the opportunity to practice and reflect on the approaches presented in the first session as well as learn new strategies. There will be time for participants to develop their own materials to use with students.

Participants will:

  •  Review and apply principles of second language acquisition
  • Identify the benefits of strategies presented
  •  Practice strategies and reflect on application in remote and face to face learning environments
  •  Create an exemplar of at least one resource to use with students and families.

TIME: 9:00-11:00am and 12:00-1:30pm Synchronous webinar

1 ½ hours asynchronous reflection and application

Intended Audiences
Administrator, Early Childhood Special and General Educator, Family Educator, Speech/Language Therapist, Teacher Assistant