Going Beyond Survival English to Support Our Newcomers and SLIFE Students

The Center: Resources for Teaching & Learning 2626 S. Clearbrook Drive, Arlington Heights, IL

Look at current statistics and resources related to newcomer  and SLIFE populations Consider instructional practices, biography driven strategies, and a large bank of resource links to support your students Suggestions provided for teaching grade level content, with low linguistic demand Answers to the popular question, “Should I start with the ABCs?”— Phonics and word work considerations Sign-In: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Workshop: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Presenter: Michele Yanong Target Audience: K-12 Educators Event ID: 205503048 Note: Participants are required to bring a laptop to this session to participate in activities and access resources.