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Register Now Date: Monday, November 28, 2022 Presenter: Shadia Salem ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 235503093 Introducing the WIDA ELD Standards Framework Designed for educators and leaders who are responsible for the integration of English language development within content learning, this workshop will overview the four components of the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework. Participants will receive resources to support the implementation of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework. Essential Questions: How do the framework components work together to make a comprehensive picture of language development? In what ways can the Four Key Language Uses represent prominent language [...]
Register Now Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Presenter: Rachell Anderson Plote ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 235503021 Spanish Literacy Strand: Five Methods for Initial Spanish Literacy Instruction Do you teach Spanish literacy in a bilingual or dual language program? Or do you just want to expand your understanding of initial Spanish literacy development? Join me for a look at five instructional methods for teaching reading in Spanish. Deepen your understanding of Spanish literacy skill development in primary aged bilingual learners by examining five methods for initial Spanish literacy Explore similarities and differences between initial literacy instruction in Spanish [...]
Register Now  Date: Thursday, December 1, 2022 Presenter: Maggie Essig ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 235503052 Unlock the Potential of Wordless Books for Multilingual Learners Explore how wordless books can be used with multilingual learners at any age to develop language skills and teach content. View examples of wordless books appropriate for various grade levels and English language proficiency levels. Walk away with strategies using wordless books you can immediately use! TARGET AUDIENCE: K-12 Educators
Register Now  Date: Saturday, December 3, 2022 Presenter: Shadia Salem ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 235503094 Multipurpose Can Do Student Portraits A Can Do Student Portrait focuses on a student’s strengths with information about the learner’s educational background, languages, family, and interests. Learn about how Student Portraits can be multipurpose and impactful for educators and students in the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. Participants will receive resources to help implement Can Do Student Portraits throughout the year. Essential Questions: How can we leverage student assets and challenge biases with Student Portraits? In what ways [...]
Register Now  Date: Saturday, December 10, 2022 Presenter: Cristina Sanchez-Lopez ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 235503079 Unit Planning for Multilingual Learners: Incorporating Oracy and Literacy into Content Area Instruction In this session, educators will: Review an interactive Learning Cycle Unit Planning Template Examine elementary and middle school sample content area unit plans Receive guided practice in creating instructional learning cycle units that incorporate oracy and literacy across the content areas. TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators who support multilingual learners’ content area instruction and intervention.
Register Now  Date: Sunday, December 11, 2022 Presenter: Olivia Mulcahy ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 235503037 Free Write: Conversations, Connections and Compositions to Nourish Our Teaching Practice Are you a teacher who enjoys writing? Are you a writing teacher who wants to explore your own writing process? Are you an educator craving creative space where you can connect, generate, and share ideas with a community of colleagues? Are you hungry for ideas and inspiration to enhance teaching and learning in your culturally and linguistically diverse classroom? Join us for one, some, or all of the Free Write [...]
Register Now  Date: Saturday, December 17, 2022 Presenter: Vanessa Figueroa ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 235503091 Strengthening Writing in a Bilingual and Dual Language Classroom Teachers will receive evidence-based strategies and share ideas on how to strengthen writing for their bilingual and dual language learners (Spanish-English). We will examine writing rubrics, student work and teaching techniques that can be utilized in practice. This workshop content will be beneficial for ESL/Bilingual Teachers, Dual Language Teachers or General Education Teachers who would like to learn more about how to support their bilingual and/or dual language learners.  TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers [...]