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Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Presenter: Adelicia Brienzo
ECPD Credit Hours: 1.5 hours

Register on-line: https://conta.cc/3c83HiG

In this session, participants will explore tools for setting up an early childhood environment for ELs with IEPs.  Experiences and strategies for supporting ELs with IEPs in PreK will be discussed.  Common misconceptions around ELs with IEPs will be reviewed.

Learning Level: 2

Continuing Education – This training will provide 1.5 professional development hours (clock hours) for the following:

  •         Educator License Renewal – ISBE
  •         CE credit for SLP, SW, LCPC, PT and OT professionals
  •         Gateways to Opportunity credit in content area (D) Curriculum or Program Design