At the IRC, our mission is to equip teachers with resources and development to empower their students to succeed. As such, it is important to us to advocate for teachers and ensure they have what they need to thrive in an often challenging field, and that includes fair compensation and the benefits they are owed.

As such, we are standing with the National Education Association in support of the Social Security Fairness Act and the Social Security 2100 Act. These proposed bills would eliminate the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision, two provisions that combined deprive more than 2.5 million public servants, including many educators, of Social Security benefits. Teachers, their partners and families deserve to keep the benefits they have earned, and to be able to retire without additional financial hardship or uncertainty.

Please use this handy tool to let your elected officials know you support these changes so that more teachers have access to financial security after retirement.