Welcome to the first 2025 edition of the Resource Roundup, a monthly newsletter from the IRC, packed with readings, recommendations and resources you can use in your classroom or school community.

If you have a resource you think would be valuable to share for this round-up, please email Lindsay Eanet at leanet@cntrmail.org with a link.

Supporting & Advocating for Immigrant Students

At the IRC, we pledge to continue to supporting and empowering educators, school administrators and families in advocating for, protecting and uplifting students from immigrant backgrounds, and working towards our vision of an educational future where all students’ languages and cultures are affirmed and every school’s systems and policies are inclusive and equitable. To support our communities at this challenging time, we have created a bank of resources for supporting and advocating for immigrant students.

Visit the Resource Bank
From Our IRC Specialists & Staff

More Great Readings & Resources

Free Resources from the IRC

The Illinois Resource Center is here to support you and your students throughout the school year. Visit our website for an ever-growing library of resources, including resources for supporting newcomer and refugee students.

Workshops & Webinars: The IRC offers a robust calendar of free virtual workshops and webinars sponsored by ISBE. No matter your teaching experience or subject, all educators can benefit from these workshops to support multilingual and multicultural learners.

Whether you’re looking to reinvigorate your classroom reading and writing workshops, develop a better understanding of our diverse cultural and linguistic perspectives, or incorporate best practices for building a multilingual learning environment, our knowledgeable presenters will provide you with valuable tools to help you and your students thrive. Visit our website to sign up and learn more.