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Date:  Monday, March 13, 2023
Presenter: Adelicia Brienzo
ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours
Event ID: 238807038

Breaking Down Silos:  SPED and EL Teams Working Together to Support All Young Learners

In this session, participants will be challenged to envision a high-quality learning environment that supports the whole child, moving beyond the labels of “ELL” or “Special Education.” With a focus on equity and inclusion, participants will learn the five main components needed to break down silos in their own programs.


* Learn five basic components needed to break down department silos

* Define “intersectionality” and how it relates to dually identified students

* Set short and long-term goals for building collaboration between teams

TARGET AUDIENCE: PreK-3rd grade educators, administrators, therapists, SPED and EL teams who support multilingual learners and their families