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Date: Friday, April 9, 2021
Presenter: Michele Yanong
ECPD Credit Hours: 5
Event ID: 215503053

Making Math Meaningful and Magical:  Helping Language Learners Master the Language and Content Demands of Math K-5

Ever get the math blahs?  Spend a day investigating research-based ideas you can use tomorrow to make math doable and lovable for language learners.

  • Examine four key practices for building the academic language of math
  • See sample ideas for over 15 strategies you can use over and over again to conquer the content and language demands of math no matter what math program you use

 TARGET AUDIENCE: K-5 General Educators, Content Area Specialists, Language Support Teachers and Everyone Else

NOTE: This virtual workshop will include both a live webinar and a self-paced learning module. The live webinar will last approximately 120 minutes. During the webinar you will receive access to an asynchronous learning module to be completed within two weeks. After the IRC receives your completed module, 2 weeks later you will receive an email with a link to the evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation, you will receive an email with a link to your Evidence of Completion form.