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Register Now Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 Presenter: Michele Yanong ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503019 Multilingual Literacy Strand: Tools and Tips for Your Reading Workshop Launch K-5 Explore suggestions for establishing rituals, routines, and expectations for your reading workshop Learn how to guide readers in shaping their multilingual reading identity, setting up a reader’s notebook, and collaborating with peers in active meaning-making discussions Walk away with a list of diverse texts to use across grade levels to kick off your reading workshop and over 20 links, tools, or tips to guide your students! TARGET AUDIENCE: K-5 Educators
Register Now Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 Presenter: Carly Spina ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503021 Launching the School Year as an EL Teacher: Routines that Will Strengthen Partnerships with Classroom & Content Teachers During this event, EL/Bilingual/Dual Language educators will: Identify pieces of our roles that focus on supporting our colleagues in our schools Develop a tool bank and calendar of resources and tools to support our colleagues Create an action plan with tasks to successfully launch our school year as EL teachers! TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators, instructional coaches, and leaders who support multilingual learners, their families, [...]
Register Now Date: Friday, September 8, 2023 Presenter: Carly Spina ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503023 Checking your MTSS Structures for Multilingual Student Equity During this event, EL/Bilingual/Dual Language educators and leaders will: Review key ideas and components of MTSS Explore common practices within MTSS structures that be may be problematic for multilingual learners Review current resources that can support us in this work TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators, instructional coaches, and leaders who support multilingual learners, their families, and programming
Register Now Date: Saturday, September 9, 2023 Presenter: Shadia Salem ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503105 Introducing the WIDA ELD Standards Framework Designed for educators and leaders who are responsible for the integration of English language development within content learning, this workshop will overview the four components of the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework. Participants will receive resources to support the implementation of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework. Essential Questions: How do the framework components work together to make a comprehensive picture of language development? In what ways can the Four Key Language Uses represent prominent [...]
Register Now Date: Sunday, September 10, 2023 Presenter: Olivia Mulcahy ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503024 Free Write: Conversations, Connections & Compositions to Nourish Our Teaching Practice Are you an educator craving creative space where you can connect, generate, and share ideas with a community of colleagues? Are you hungry for ideas and inspiration to enhance teaching and learning in your culturally and linguistically diverse classroom? Are you interested in exploring how the experience of writing can help you deepen your practice? Whether you already enjoy writing or have a rocky relationship with writing, you are invited to [...]
Register Now Date: Monday, September 11, 2023 Presenter: Rachell Plote ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503025 Teaching With Trabalenguas Do you teach Spanish literacy in a bilingual or dual language program? Or do you just want to expand your understanding of Spanish literacy instruction? Join me for a look at how trabalenguas (tongue twisters) can be used to support teaching reading in Spanish. We will explore how to “hook” students into literacy and oracy concepts by using fun and popular trabalenguas (tongue twisters in Spanish). We will examine how trabalenguas can be used as a way to [...]
Register Now Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 Presenter: Carly Spina ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503026 Launching the School Year as an EL Teacher: Routines that Will Strengthen Partnerships with Classroom & Content Teachers During this event, EL/Bilingual/Dual Language educators will: Identify pieces of our roles that focus on supporting our colleagues in our schools Develop a tool bank and calendar of resources and tools to support our colleagues Create an action plan with tasks to successfully launch our school year as EL teachers! TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators, instructional coaches, and leaders who support multilingual learners, their families, [...]
Register Now Date: Sunday, September 17, 2023 Presenter: Michele Yanong ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503029 Multilingual Literacy Strand: Renovate Your Read-Aloud Grades K-5 Explore ways to increase student interaction with text by strategically using the think-aloud process during classroom read-alouds to elicit reactions, responses, and reflections. Discover how to incorporate culturally and linguistically responsive practices during the interactive read-aloud experience View samples and resources Target Audience: K-5 teachers
Register Now Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Presenter: Maggie Essig ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503032 Welcoming and Teaching Newcomers Learn how to build relationships with newcomer students and their families. Visualize welcoming school and classroom environments for newcomer students. Explore instructional strategies that will support newcomer students in the classroom. TARGET AUDIENCE: K-12 Educators
Register Now Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023 Presenter: Maggie Essig Credit Hours: 2 hours St Clair ROE - Serving English Learners in Illinois ***This session will equip administrators with knowledge of the rules, laws, and best practices pertaining to programs that serve English Learners (EL) in Illinois. Become familiar with the legal and educational frameworks needed to effectively support and advocate for English Learners, fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment.
Register Now Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023 Presenter: Rachell Plote ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503034 Building Background Bilingually In this webinar we will take a look at how to activate prior knowledge of text and increase student understanding by building background bilingually. We will explore how to support students in both Spanish and English literacy through bilingual pre-reading activities. We will examine ways to create a conceptual preview that allows for all students to have multiple entry points into a text. TARGET AUDIENCE: K-5 Teachers of Bilingual Learners
Register Now Date: Friday, September 29, 2023 Presenter: Carly Spina ECPD Credit Hours: 1 hour Event ID: 245503037 Serving Multilingual Learners: Paraprofessionals Introduction During this event, EL/Bilingual/Dual Language paraprofessionals will: Receive background information about the large umbrella of multilingual learners Receive a brief overview of WIDA proficiency levels Explore a variety of tools and ideas that can support students with instruction in the classroom and “on the fly.” TARGET AUDIENCE: Paraeducators who serve multilingual students