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Register Now Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Presenter: Carly Spina ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503058 Targeting Language Support for Higher Proficiency Levels (3, 4, 5) During this event, all grade level EL/Bilingual/Dual Language educators will: Examine the unique linguistic needs of students of higher language proficiency levels Explore ways to enrich language opportunities across grade levels and content areas Design a tool bank of resources to share with colleagues TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators and leaders who serve multilingual students
Register Now Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Presenter: Rachell Plote ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503095 Connecting Languages during Math Instruction This webinar will dig into the importance of helping bilingual learners make cross-linguistic connections to further their metalinguistic development Whether you instruct math in English or Spanish, we will explore ideas for making language connections while also teaching content knowledge Together we will focus on ways that educators can integrate opportunities for language development across English and Spanish during mathematics instruction TARGET AUDIENCE: K-5 Bilingual/ Dual Language Teachers
Register Now Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023 Presenter: Vanessa Figueroa ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503123  Teaching Approaches to Develop Biliterate Writing: El Dictado/Dictation Teachers will examine TheDictado/Dictation writing method in Spanish-English in grades K-5 dual language classroom settings. Teachers will receive suggestions for implementing TheDictado across grades and analyze student work samples to identify students’ developmental linguistic needs. Teachers will view a model as presented in Biliteracy from the Start: Literacy Squared by Escamilla et. all. and Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges between Languages by Beeman & Urow. This workshop content will be beneficial for Dual Language [...]
Register Now  Date: Saturday, December 9, 2023 Presenter: Shadia Salem ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503111 Ready, Set, ACCESS! Preparing for the ACCESS Assessment  Designed for educators and leaders who are responsible for supporting and administrating the ACCESS assessment to English Learners, this comprehensive workshop aims to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills necessary to prepare their students for the state summative assessment. Participants will: Learn effective instructional practices to support student success on the ACCESS assessment Explore system-wide practices that enhance the assessment experience Create an action plan to prepare students for the [...]
Register Now  Date: Sunday, December 10, 2023 Presenter: Olivia Mulcahy ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503060 Free Write: Conversations, Connections & Compositions to Nourish Our Teaching Practice Are you an educator craving creative space where you can connect, generate, and share ideas with a community of colleagues? Are you hungry for ideas and inspiration to enhance teaching and learning in your culturally and linguistically diverse classroom? Are you interested in exploring how the experience of writing can help you deepen your practice? Whether you already enjoy writing or have a rocky relationship with writing, you are invited [...]
Register Now  Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 Presenter: Maggie Essig ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503062 Unlock the Potential of Wordless Books for Multilingual Learners Explore how wordless books can be used with multilingual learners at any age to develop language skills and teach content. View examples of wordless books appropriate for various grade levels and English language proficiency levels. Walk away with strategies using wordless books you can immediately use! TARGET AUDIENCE: K-12 Educators
Register Now  Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 Presenter: Carly Spina ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503061 Checking your MTSS Structures for Multilingual Student Equity During this event, EL/Bilingual/Dual Language educators and leaders will: Review key ideas and components of MTSS Explore common practices within MTSS structures that be may be problematic for multilingual learners Review current resources that can support us in this work TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators, instructional coaches, and leaders who support multilingual learners, their families, and programming
Register Now  Date: Thursday, December 14, 2023 Presenter: Michele Yanong ECPD Credit Hours: 1 hour Event ID: 245503064 ML Teacher Toolbox: Mindful Use of Graphic Organizers  We all know that graphic organizers are useful tools for supporting multilingual learners, but selection, proper usage, and language support can transform their powers to create higher levels of success. Discuss common pitfalls of the use of graphic organizers for multilingual learners, and learn some selection and scaffolding tips See examples of modifications or additions to common graphic organizers that foster language growth Leave with ready-to-use templates to use with your students [...]
Register Now  Date: Saturday, December 16, 2023 Presenter: Vanessa Figueroa ECPD Credit Hours: 2 hours Event ID: 245503124 Teaching Approaches to Develop Biliterate Writing: Modeled Writing & Shared Writing  Teachers will examine modeled writing and shared writing methods and what is unique in the teaching of literacy-based English Language Development (ELD) and Spanish literacy classroom settings. Teachers will receive suggestions for implementing Modeled Writing and Shared Writing across primary and intermediate grade levels. Teachers will view a model as presented in Biliteracy from the Start: Literacy Squared by Escamilla et. all. This workshop content will be beneficial for [...]