35 events found.
Register Now Date: Monday, November 1, 2021 Presenter: Maggie Essig ECPD Credit Hours: 1.5 Event ID: 225507014 Using Technology with Multilingual Learners to Develop Oral Language: Explore the Who, What, Where, When, & Why Who can use technology to develop oral language? (Answer: All multilingual learners!) What does the research say about using technology with multilingual learners to develop oral language skills? Where can technology tools be easily incorporated into instruction to develop oral language skills? When should technology be used with multilingual learners to develop oral language skills? Why should you use technology to facilitate oral language development? [...]
Register Now Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 Presenter: Rachell Anderson ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only - Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application - Part B) Event ID: 225503022 Nothing Small About it: Supporting Bilingual Learners in Guided Reading Small group instruction is an effective way to reach the specific learning needs of students. Join this session for a deeper look into guided reading and how the traditional guided reading model can be adapted to effectively meet the needs of bilingual learners. Compare and contrast the unique features of various types of small group instruction Discover how to [...]
Register Now Date: Saturday, November 6, 2021 Presenter: Cristina Sanchez-Lopez ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only - Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application - Part B) Event ID: 225503028 Unit Planning for Multilingual Learners: Incorporating Oracy and Literacy into Content Area Instruction In this session, educators will: Review an interactive Learning Cycle Unit Planning Template Examine elementary and middle school sample content area unit plans Receive guided practice in creating instructional learning cycle units that incorporate oracy and literacy across the content areas. TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators who support multilingual learners’ content area instruction and intervention. Event Description: [...]
Register Now Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 Presenter: Carly Spina ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only - Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application - Part B) Event ID: 225503053 Lowering Affective Filters to Support Multilingual Learners In this session, educators will: Explore the idea of the affective filter and how it impacts students Explore tools and strategies that can work to lower their affective filter Receive guided practice in how to utilize & implement new tools and strategies TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators and instructional coaches who support multilingual learners Event Description: **Participants must attend the two-hour live session [...]
Register Now Date: Sunday, November 14, 2021 Presenter: Michele Yanong ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only - Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application - Part B) Event ID: 225503023 Weekend Multilingual Literacy Strand: Nothing Small About It! Supporting Multilingual Learners in Guided Reading Come build a “guided reading ready” kit to support your multilingual learners and everyone else Consider ways to embed language objectives into your guided reading lessons for students at a variety of language development levels …. And what should the rest of the class be doing?! Learn how to balance the whole operation by simplifying [...]
Register Now Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Presenter: Adelicia Brienzo ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only - Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application - Part B) Event ID: 225503050 The Road to Authentic Family Engagement: Understanding and Working Through Barriers In this session, participants will: Explore strategies for working around common barriers to family engagement Share experiences around building authentic relationships with EL families. Review stages of immigrant parent involvement in schools, and how they impact our efforts for engagement. TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators, administrators, social workers and parent liaisons who support multilingual learners and their families [...]
Register Now Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 Presenter: Elisabeth Trost ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only - Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application - Part B) Event ID: 225503024 How does Cognitive Science Help us Support Multilingual/Multicultural Learners? Explore how the brain functions; Examine ways to use an understanding of the brain to optimize instruction; Examine ways to use an understanding of the brain to optimize social emotional learning; Make plans to take this learning back to classroom/school/district. Target Audience: Teachers, coaches, administrators, grades PreK-12 Event Description: **Participants must attend the two-hour live session (Part A) in [...]
Register Now Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 Presenter: Rachell Anderson ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only - Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application - Part B) Event ID: 225503025 La Lectoescritura inicial: cinco métodos para instrucción en español ¿Enseñas la lectoescritura en español en un programa bilingüe o lenguaje dual? ¿O simplemente desea entender más sobre el desarrollo inicial de la lectoescritura en español? Únase a mí para explorar cinco métodos de instrucción únicos para el desarrollo de la lectura en español. Expande su comprensión del desarrollo de habilidades de lectoescritura en español para estudiantes bilingües de primaria [...]
Register Now Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 Presenter: Maggie Essig ECPD Credit Hours: 1.5 Event ID: 225507015 Using Cooperative Grouping with Multilingual Learners: Explore the Who, What, Where, When, & Why Who can benefit from cooperative grouping? What cooperative grouping strategies are effective with multilingual learners? Where can cooperative grouping resources be found? When can cooperative grouping strategies be used? Why should you use cooperative grouping with multilingual learners to enhance language development, content learning, and social-emotional skills? TARGET AUDIENCE: K-12 Educators
Register Now Date: Thursday, December 2, 2021 Presenter: Elisabeth Trost ECPD Credit Hours: Two (live session only - Part A) and Three (optional reflection/application - Part B) Event ID: 225503026 Developing Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for Multilingual Learners (MLs) Starting with Tier 1 Reflect on ways to use the seven factors framework to make existing systems more culturally and linguistically responsive Contrast possible explanations for observable behaviors from both a language learner perspective and special educational perspective Consider how to ensure Tier 1 instruction that supports multilingual and multicultural learners across the curriculum; Consider [...]